Friday, August 21, 2009

Gone Fishing?

Something very very strange has taken place between 9pm last night and 9am this morning.

The largest of my three goldfish has completely disappeared, nowhere to be found! I have scoured the floors and around the benches, i even took a little squiz into the bin in case he flipped himself in there, but nup, nuthin. I can't see how the little ones could have eaten him and there aren't any remnants of him left over in the bowl, so where is he??? I must admit, I'm kinda freakin out about this! I need answers!

Gh suggested that maybe he's with the missing Flaming Lips ticket but perhaps he's just gone fishing.

1 comment:

Little Angel Little Devil said...

Freakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky !!!

Sorry love I have no answers for you!!!

Have a great wekend away!
Love you!